Kevin D. Stringer, PhD
I am an Associate Professor for Modern Warfare at the Military Academy of Lithuania and a Lecturer in Strategy/Leadership at the University of Northwestern Switzerland. With 30 years of commissioned military service, I served as a Eurasian foreign area officer and strategist in the special operations community. An academic-practitioner, my expertise and scholarship is in irregular warfare, special operations, and multinational operations.
Ph.D., International Affairs, University of Zurich,
Zurich 2003
M.S.S., Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College,
Carlisle, PA, 2017 (Distinguished Graduate)
M.A., International Relations, Boston University,
Boston, MA, 1996 (Graduated with Distinction)
B.Sc., Military History, U.S. Military Academy,
West Point, NY, 1987 (Distinguished Graduate)

As featured in
To explore additional articles on defense, security, and diplomacy that I have written, simply click on "Read More" .
Military Organizations for Homeland Defense and Smaller-Scale Contingencies: A Comparative Approach
History has often confirmed that it is not superior weapons but superior organizations that are the most effective factor in achieving military success. In light of this consideration, Kevin D. Stringer’s book proposes how the U.S. military can best be restructured and transformed to conduct hybrid or irregular operations below the threshold of war.
Swiss-Made Heroes
Swiss-Made Heroes provides a biographical array of nine military officers, all with Swiss roots, in a single volume that covers a period from the Middle Ages to World War II. This unique set of leaders had an enduring impact on military history, and their deeds proved critical to the development and survival of nations, institutions, and armies.